In that notice, Anthony Carpentier announced that he was now entering "49 years of "sainthood". The reporter assigned to the story wrote a great piece that chronicled the visit he paid the man, at what was partially divulged to be his address: West 108th Street, New York, NY. The notice was a fair-sized rectangle that appeared in the lower right corner of the page, underneath a three-plus column inch abandoned property notice for the Windsor Bank of New Britain, CT.
The blog entry thought it was thoughtful not to print the man's full address, inasmuch as Mr. Carpentier might start attracting a crowd who had thoughts on how to help him distribute the $535,000 he was said to have been paid as a holdout tenant to move.
In fact, it wasn't even known or disclosed if the full address was part of the newspaper notice. Digital research of the databases can be done online by accessing NYPL's Web site. It does not however help you retrieve ads or notices. Full microfilm research needs to be done to accomplish this, at the library itself.
I'm happy to report I know how to do this. And yes, the full address was printed in the notice. Available at the library.
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