Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Adding Another One

It says something about comedy when a comedian's routine about life is so accurately captured and used to lead off a story about aging.

The story is actually a book review of 'Triumphs of Experience,' by George Vallant. The book review is by Andrew Stark, and appeared in the 2012 November 3rd weekend edition of the WSJ. The book is about the results of following the lives of 268 undergraduate Harvard men, who were recruited in the 1930s and early 40s to participate in a long-term psychological study.

It is Steven Wright's classic deadpan riff on aging that opens the review.

"Two babies are born on the same day at the same hospital. After gazing at each other across their cribs for a few hours, they get whisked away by their respective families, never to see each other again for the next 90 years. Then, by a strange twist of fate, they find themselves lying on their deathbeds next to each other in that same hospital. One of them turns to the other and asks: 'So-- what'd you think?'"

It's an off-the-chart scenario that this has ever, or will ever happen exactly as described. But we know that comedy can be seriously funny, and the question is a great one.

And every year that I get to add to the pile, like today, I think of an answer.


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