Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Another Homeland

Before we get into the latest Homeland episode, I will say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

As any regular viewer knows by now, Carrie Mathison has a daughter Franny from her relationship with Nicholas Brody, also a red head, and also a terrorist who was hung. But that's ancient history. Franny and Carrie are living with Carrie's sensible, pediatrician sister because the mean President Elizabeth Keane has fired Carrie and Carrie's credit cards are maxed out and she's got no job.

Well, no job that anyone is paying her for, but she does have work. Trying to do the right thing and save the Republic. But uh-oh, Carrie's libido seems to have her constantly hooked up with bad boys. She was probably like that in high school. Popular, but for the wrong reasons.

Poor cute, traumatized Franny. She's awoken in the middle of the night by FBI agents and Saul knocking the door down and arresting the naked guy under her naked mommy. She's going to grow up thinking sex will get you arrested. This girl is going to need counseling BIG time.

Carrie it seems can't keep her clothes on when she's around the bad boys. Terrorist, Russian agent, she's a human libido machine that can only get her in deep international trouble.

The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming was a movie over 50 years ago, staring Alan Arkin about a crew of Russian sailors who pop up on Nantucket. It was written by Peter Benchley's father, Nathaniel. It is a very funny movie and is really a precursor to Jaws. Peter just used a shark, rather than the Cold War enemy. Showtime gives us another version of The Russians are Coming 

Saul obviously didn't have a dossier on Simone, or he would have met a more sympathetic FISA judge. The episode is geared to making us think the judiciary has no political thoughts. Well, that's fiction.

Saul's not asking the judge for surveillance of Simone, he's asking for a write of mandamus. Who says TV can't be educational? Mandamus refers to obtaining permission to perform a duty, which in this case means Saul wants to interrogate Simone. The judge is not convinced a few pictures of greedy Russian oligarchs laundering money through the NGO she is associated with is enough to warrant granting the writ. He tells Saul what he really is doing is jury tampering, and Saul knows it. Poor Saul. 

What we don't get to see is the load of shit in Max's pants when Saul shows up in his apartment after a breakfast with the commando team at the local Greek diner. It wasn't what you ate Max, it's what you did.

If the country is in trouble, which is what the entire season is about, you Better Call Saul. If Oprah Winfrey can appear at an awards show, say a few words and find herself igniting a media frenzy that she run for president, then Saul as the National Security Advisor can make you wish Trump was hiring him instead of neocon John Bolton.

The coming episode shows preening Senator Paley asking for Madam president's resignation. If that were to happen Beau Bridges would get a lot more work. He's rarely seen in TV and the movies. He's a perfect VP. Totally clueless.

I think we're headed for Carrie being sedated and taken to the hospital, but the Republic will be saved. Just like nerve gas that was prevented from escaping into the German subway system. She and Saul will make up, and hopefully serve the American people once again and keep the Republic alive for CNN, MSNBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, NYT and all the other news outlets that try and run the country.

In God We Trust. And Showtime.

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