Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Weather Report

Maybe it's because of the economy and there are people doing things they wouldn't ordinarily be doing. Maybe it's because I watched Elvis Costello's Spectacle show last night and was sent off into a word association trance because of his guests, particularly Kris Kristofferson and Rosanne Cash, both favorites of mine.

(Kris performed a song he wrote that was inspired by the candy counter scene in The Grapes of Wrath, thoroughly fitting for a literature Rhodes scholar to be inspired by other words. To say Kris sings is far too inaccurate. At 72, his voice is further away from singing than it was at birth. But with Kris it was never the sound of his voice anyway. It was always the words.)

Or maybe it was because of listening to Bob Dylan this morning while getting ready for work, and I absorbed too many rhymes and word pairings.

Whatever it was, I happened to gaze at the top right box, front page, of the Times, where they dispense a little weather forecast. I don't know who writes these things, but today's struck me like someone was trying out for something else. Like a Pulitzer.

Russell Baker years and years ago wrote of someone in Baltimore who was a weather forecaster, or something like that, who might have gotten themselves in a world of trouble when they announced that "we had some weather today, and we're going to have some more tomorrow."

Today's paper of record: breezes...
Tomorrow...gentle winds...

I think I need a guitar.

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