Saturday, April 18, 2020

Big Foot?

Who is in the above photo? Big Foot? A runner-up from the show Survivor? Anthony Quinn playing a dancing Zorba the Greek? A FedEx driver whose GPS wasn't working very well? A kayaker stuck on an island in New York's Jamaica Bay?

If you answered the lost kayaker, you're right. You've been reading the news.

Turns out a kayaker got stuck on Ruffle Bar Island in Jamaica Bay for 12 hours before help arrived, responding to the fire he set, as well as the word HELP he spelled out with sticks.

Once again, @coreykilgannon has Tweeted out a story carried by some New York newspapers of the lone kayaker who got pushed by high winds that prevented him from getting back to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn. His kayak started sinking, so he bailed and swam to the nearest shoreline there was, in this case a patch of land called Ruffle Bay Island, one of the many patches in Jamaica Bay that technically constitute a bird sanctuary.

Jamaica Bay is full of these island, all uninhabited, but visited by birders. The area gets Homeland Security and police attention because of its proximity to JFK airport, and the threat of terrorists gaining a vantage point to create mayhem with aircraft.

Mr. Leybovich was not first-time kayaker. He had made several trips to the island and to other spots in Jamaica Bay over the years. The reason for his excursion was not disclosed, but he was not trying to scout for burial sites in case Hart Island filled up.

The 36-year-old science teacher, Mikhail Leybovich, was not hurt. He was checked out by an ambulance crew when the helicopter dropped him at Floyd Bennett Field, and then went home. But not before he reached his car and found he had gotten a parking ticket.

What infraction earned him the parking ticket is not disclosed. But "in the bay without a paddle" might be the reason.

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