Sunday, February 24, 2019

Joe Biden's Irish?

The NYT must be getting desperate if they approved my Maureen Dowd comment for publication today. They already had 662 comments when I dashed off this morning's comment. I was surprised the comment section wasn't closed, but it wasn't.

And I was further surprised when they approved my carefully constructed words for comment inclusion. Perhaps it was because I did soften up a bit and say that Biden is the only Democrat I would vote for if I were not to vote Republican. My vote is never a given.

Referring to Joe Biden as Uncle Joe is a poor choice of words. Joseph Stalin was referred to as Uncle Joe, and Biden and Stalin share no similarities other than having nieces and nephews.


That's it? Do you write your columns while between express stops on the Metro? Punch them out on your phone?

'Vanity Fair' again. I'll say this, you name your sources. I guess I'm way outside the Beltway because I didn't know about the affair with Beau's widow and his married brother.

As someone who usually votes Republican, Joe Biden is the ONLY Democrat I would vote for. The question will be can he empty out the elevator full of other Democratic candidates and press the buttons for himself.

At 76, it's worth a try.

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