Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Homeland is Headed Overseas

Filled with spoilers.

Is this the last season of Homeland? Why is Franny asking Carrie so often if she's coming back? Is the kid clairvoyant? Did she and her twin acting sister see the script and find out there will be no more show because Yevgeny is going to clock Carrie at the dacha as she and the commando team try and pull Simone out of bed at the lakeside love nest with lover boy Yevgeny and whisk her back to the States to save President Keane's presidency? And why would Simone do that? She'd turn on Mother Russia?

I'd find it hard to believe that Claire Danes as executive producer of the show would consider a script that has everyone at her funeral. Unless of course she'd only be faking her death to throw the Russians off. Carrie's a sly one.

Lots of plot possibilities. And Carrie. How is Saul paying her and the merry boys from a former Seal Team Six outfit?  The C.I.A. certainly didn't hire her again with Top Secret clearance after the last round of ECT.

But most importantly, the team is back. Carrie's sister was right when she gave testimony at the custody hearing for care of Franny that when Saul comes calling, Carrie disappears with an overnight bag and lands somewhere remote. Very remote. Like Russia by a dacha by a lake.

It's got to be great that you as the NSA director can field a private team of operatives and fly to Russia in order to exfiltrate a Russian operative from under the noses of the Russians. Hey, they came here and did stuff, so why can't we go there and do stuff to them? All's fair in love and war–and television.

Carrie discusses her plight and upcoming custody hearing with one of her commando team members, Anson. He suggests getting dirt on her sister and husband. He channels Sean Connery in the Untouhcables when he tells her, that without something on her sister and brother-in-law, she's just going into as knife fight without a knife.

Carrie mentions the secret file her pediatrician sister kept under an alias on her bipolar treatment that her sister did for her for years, keeping the condition from the C.I.A. Anson mentions that she could lose her medical license over that.

Can Anson lift the file from her sister's office, which in this case is in the garage at home? Of course. What's the code for the alarm system? Carrier demurs, but when we see Carrie in court she's holding a folder.

Carrie doesn't throw her sister under the bus with the lifted secret patient file that details secret treatment of Carrie all these years for bipolar disorder, a treatment that was waaay beyond the scope of a pediatrician. She instead agrees to an alternate weekend visitation agreement.

Carrie loves her sister, even if she told everyone in open court that Carrie used to wave at airplanes as a kid.  But did she give the file back to her sister? Did Carrie have one of her guys put it back? She certainly didn't tell her sister that she lifted the file but chose not to use it to impugn the character of her sister just so she could have Franny all the time–a desire even Carrie's not sure she really wants.

Will the series continue with Carrie once again having sex with someone who will wind up dead? Will Beau Bridges be seen from again? Will he sit in the Oval Office behind the desk of power? Will Senator Paley finally SHUT UP?

We've got to get in touch with Franny who knows everything.


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