The King of Denmark has just changed the Danish coat of arms to more prominently show that Greenland is a possession of Denmark.
Greenland seems like an odd choice to add to a Trump real estate holding, even if he does it in the name of expanding the United States. I don't think you can play golf there year round. But, think of the chance for professional sports to expand, even if the land mass now only has perhaps 56,000 people and untold reindeer. 56,000 people is not even the size of a tortured crowd at a Jets home game.
Would the NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB look to build stadiums so that they can flood the market with more home team merchandise? Who cares if no one can get to a game?. Wearing a piece of apparel might be enough.
Strategically Greenland offers a place to install more defenses to keep track of Russia. A good friend of mine was in the Air Force in the 1960s and spent a tour of duty in Thule, Greenland at a radar station, basically sleeping and drinking. He told me those who sleep and drink also serve.
As a kid I always wondered about that land mass stuck up there in the Artic Circle, straddling the 60th and 70th parallels when I would look at my bedroom globe. It looked so large with no markings of a population that was occupying it.
How The Donald would acquire Greenland is one for the strategists. Invading it would be taking action against a NATO nation—namely Denmark. This would mean other NATO nations would be obligated to come to Denmark's defense against the United States. Talk about pissing off your Allies.
This is not a Saturday Night Live skit, although I think there will be one. Putting Greenland under the flag of the U.S. is getting front page NYT news. There are serious people writing about this.
I don't remember any campaign promises to acquire Greenland. Maybe the Donald means to open the southern border and ship the migrants to a U.S. version of Siberia. That might quell any desire of a warm weather populace taking the chance of being sent somewhere to freeze their tacos off. No one wants to freeze heir tacos off. Is there method in prince Hamlet's madness?
After all, Australia was once a penal colony. It is possible that a few generations from now surnames in Greenland will have a distinct Hispanic sound. The Great Migration.
Face it. Trump was missed. There is no one better at creating a headline than The Donald. Ratings for the moribund woke, left-leaning media, CNN and MSNBC and other outlets should enjoy a resurgence in ratings as they rail against President Trump. Trump news/opinions is good for ratings.
Years ago Regis Philbin was considered the man who saved a network when his hosting of the prime time game show 'Who Wants to be A Millionaire' took off in the ratings. The show's ratings soared so much I think they went to three shows a week. Regis was hot.
I always wondered about that show if some sort of scandal was going to bring it down. Not because anyone was fed answers ahead of time, like what did the quiz show 'Twenty-One' in years ago, but because it seemed to me that an inordinate number of people were getting called for the qualifying opening "Lightning Round" who all hailed from Great Neck, New York. The contestant pool struck me as New York biased, and was likely due to irregularities in who was chosen to appear in the "Fast Finger" exercise that if passed qualified the contestant to move on to what might be a $1 million payday. No such scandal ever emerged however.
President Trump is who is going to save several networks and print publications. Consider a teaser headline in a recent online edition of the NYT:
Dripping Faucets and Seizing Greenland: Trump is Back and Chaos Ensues. They love it!
A Post headline is a work of art and words. Consider the recent one that shows an image of an impish, smirking Trump pointing to a map of North America like Alfred E. Neuman on a Mad magazine cover, and renaming Canada as the 51st STATE; Greenland as OUR LAND; the Gulf of Mexico as the GULF OF AMERICA, and the Panama Canal as PANA-MAGA canal. It is inspired.
The headline says it all, but might be over the heads of those whose history education fell short of mentioning The Monroe Doctrine (Look it up if you don't know).
Who knew when Trump was running for office that he was going to go Green?
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