Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Special Characters

No, these are not people. These are those accent marks and punctuation characters you don't find directly on the keyboard, but can nevertheless get the software to make them appear with a combination of pressing the ALT key and an array of numbers.

I'm never really sure what they add to the pronunciation, but in an effort to reproduce what I see in the  newspaper and other print media, I've started a list of the ones I've so far used in my postings.

I mean, what do the two dots over the word Möbius add to the pronunciation? Or the accent aigu over the e in fiancé as to how we say it? I know there are symbols in the dictionary that are designed to get the mouth and tongue in the correct position to say the word properly, but I'm usually out to sea as to how to interpret them. The pronunciation guide at the bottom of a dictionary's page helps me little.

What started me on this posting is my transcribing the marks as I've looked them up and used them from a very worn out index card to another index card. The original card is worn, and getting hard to read. Thus, what follows is challenge to ChapGPT to create a text that uses at least one instance of a word that needs a special accent mark or symbol. If I attempt this, alert readers will be the first to see the output.

Until then, here we are with my list as compiled so far.


I couldn't resist. I plowed ahead and asked ChapGPT to create a narrative using the first 7 of my listed accent marks and symbols. The following is part of what could be part of a screenplay for an Indiana Jones movie. 


In a distant land where the sun kissed the desert sands, a mysterious oasis bloomed beneath the watchful gaze of a solitary cactus. The air was filled with the scent of adventure, and the whispers of the wind carried tales of a hidden treasure—a treasure adorned with symbols that held the key to its secrets.

Álvaro, an intrepid explorer with a heart marked by the symbol ¾, embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the oasis. His name, pronounced with the accent mark á, echoed through the vast dunes like a rhythmic drumbeat.

Guided by a weathered map that bore the symbol of ™—a testament to the authenticity of the ancient tales—he journeyed through the scorching sands. The landscape seemed to dance in the heat, mirages playing tricks on the eyes as he ventured closer to the oasis.

At the heart of the oasis, he discovered a hidden cavern, its entrance marked by a symbol of ¼—a fraction that hinted at the secrets concealed within. The air inside was cool, and the sound of dripping water echoed like a mystical melody.

As Álvaro ventured deeper into the cavern, he stumbled upon a chamber bathed in a celestial glow. There, he encountered a majestic artifact, an ornate chest adorned with the symbol É—an accent of elegance that hinted at the treasure's regal nature.

With bated breath, Álvaro opened the chest, revealing a collection of ancient scrolls and artifacts. Among them was a map that led to a fabled city obscured by the shifting sands, marked by the symbol of °—a circle representing the cyclical nature of discovery and renewal.

As Álvaro embarked on the next leg of his journey, he realized that the symbols he encountered were not merely markers on a map but a language woven into the fabric of the desert's tale. Each symbol, whether it be ¾, á, ó, ™, ¼, É, or °, held a story waiting to be unraveled.

The desert, once a barren expanse, now whispered its gratitude to Álvaro as he continued his quest. The symbols, like constellations in the night sky, guided him toward the horizon, where the next chapter of his adventure awaited—a tale written in the language of the desert, told through the symbols that adorned its ancient treasures.


I think ChatGPT is a romantic. I'll continue my list. I'll then give ChatGPT the ultimate challenge to use all of them. Maybe he'll get out of the desert. It will be the following posting. Who knows where ChatGPT will send the seeker of fame and fortune.



Alert readers. Stayed tuned.

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