Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Weekend

On the weekend the comedian Don Rickles passed away, there was a four-year old comedian who made his debut at the Wequaquet Lake Yacht Club in Centerville, Massachusetts.

Young Nicholas, at very little urging from his mother and grandmother, took to the microphone to tell the assembled a series of riddles--with answers--to the crowd that was seated in the dining hall of the yacht club, in attendance after paying  their respects to Aunt Emma, 89, who recently passed away, and who left specific instructions with her daughter that her funeral was to be held on a Saturday, so no one had to miss work--or school. As if anyone amongst the 150 or so members of the sprawling Layton, Canty, Brennan clans was going to miss her funeral, no matter what day it was held on.

Young Nicholas is Emma's great-grandson, and is an apple that certainly didn't fall far from the tree of the certain outgoingness and warmth that were displayed by her, and by his grandmother and mother.

Did you hear the one about the pizza?
 -Nah, it's too cheesy.
What do you call a cow with no legs?
-Ground beef.
How did the two oceans greet each other?
-They waved.
What do you call a cow that twitches?
-Beef jerky.
How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
-You Poker Face.
What you call a cow with three legs?
-Lean beef.

Aunt Emma loved it.

It is fully expected that with only a little encouragement, Young Nicholas's comedy career will, in a few years, ramp up to stories about the priest, rabbi and minister who walk into a bar.

Aunt Emma will be waiting.


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