Monday, July 25, 2011

Polygamy in Your Grocer's Freezer

Somewhere in a country western song I think I hear the lyrics, "...melt your cold, cold heart."

Robert Ettinger, the founder of the cryonics movement and the Cryonics Institute, passes away at 92, and is put on ice for the future. Whenever.

Mr. Ettinger founded and ran an institute that froze deceased humans in the hopes that future medical technology would find a way to bring the frozen being back to life.  He practiced what he believed in.  And while there are certainly those who think he was many bad things aside from crazy, he did at least wait until the person had passed away naturally before adding them to this deep freeze farm. A murderous Jack Frost he wasn't.

His mother was his first patient.  Currently, the institute he ran houses 106 frozen people waiting to be be brought back to life.  In addition, the claim is that there are 900 dues-paying members who are planning to add themselves to the locker when the right time comes.

Aside from his mother, Mr. Ettinger froze his first wife, as well as his second wife.  Amazingly, this put Mr. Ettinger in the rare position of outliving two wives.  This is hallowed ground. He told those who asked, that if both wives were revived (and assuming himself as well) he will be presented with a "high class problem."

How presumptuous. There are many men here on earth right now who are trying to live with two women.

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