Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Top Ten

Most of us at this point have heard that the FBI has a 10 Most Wanted List.  It is availalbe for viewing in the Post Offices, the old fashioned way, hard copy, or online.  Perhaps there will be an app for it for your phone. Who knows.

As a kid I checked the postings out at the local post office.  I was barely tall enough to turn the pages that were on the wall in a hoizontal loose leaf-type flip chart.  No one looked familiar.  The few that I did manage to read about all seemed to have something to do with armed robbery, principally banks, and always in the Midwest.  John Dillinger types.  It was the late 50s, so I realize now that there had to still be some of those guys around.

But now, in connection with the story that the FBI  is openly and creatively advertising their desire to bring No. 1 in, James 'Whitey' Bulger, we read that even though bin Laden has been confirmed as deceased as of May 2nd, they still haven't gotten around to adding a replacement to the list.  

The process of keeping this list has never been thought about before, but it is surprising to realize that right now, the Top 10 is composed of nine guys presumed alive, and one known dead guy.  Seven weeks later. What does it take to move onto the list?  An agent?  A majority vote by the committee?

And although every spelling of bin Laden's first name has been seen to be 'Osama,' the FBI spells it as 'Usama.'  You'd really hate to hear the wrong guy has been iced over a typo.

Nevertheless, why the delay in revising the list?  Aren't there 'alternates' for the list?  Or, a body of juniors ready to be seniors as soon as there's a graduation ceremony?  It is a wonder.

Given what seems like a new way of thinking at the Bureau, when the newly annointed member of the Top Ten is known will they atart to appear on shows and things?

Of course that's silly.  They've got to find them first.  Then eventually take them off the list.

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